Upcoming and past events.

ELS4 - U.S. Fossil Power CCS Under the Inflation Reduction Act (Dr. Emily Grubert)

ELS4 - U.S. Fossil Power CCS Under the Inflation Reduction Act (Dr. Emily Grubert)

The United States’ 45Q tax credit for carbon oxide sequestration incentivizes emitters to maximize the production and sequestration of carbon oxides, not abatement.

Under the Inflation Reduction Act’s (IRA) 45Q changes, carbon capture and storage (CCS) is expected to be profitable for coal- and natural gas-based electricity generator owners, particularly regulated utilities that earn a guaranteed rate of return on capital expenditures, despite being costlier than zero-carbon resources like wind or solar.

U.S. CCS fossil power sector retrofits could demand $0.4-$3.6 trillion in 45Q tax credits to alter greenhouse gas emissions by -24% ($0.4 trillion) to +82% ($3.6 trillion) versus business-as-usual for affected generators.

Join us with Dr. Emily Grubert (University of Notre Dame) for this webinar where we will discuss these results and their important implications for the design of CCS support in the power sector in Canada.

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ELS2 - Flexible Demand

ELS2 - Flexible Demand

Dr. Blake Shaffer will discuss recent advances in flexible demand, including results from field experiments his team is conducting with Canadian utilities.

To attend the ELS virtually, register via the AESO’s continuing education site and follow the instructions to access the learning portal.

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ELS1 - Introducing NZERI

ELS1 - Introducing NZERI

Dr. Sara Hastings-Simon and Dr. Blake Shaffer chat with Cheryl Terry, Chief Economist at the AESO about what NZERI means for electricity knowledge in Alberta.

To attend the ELS virtually, register via the AESO’s continuing education site and follow the instructions to access the learning portal.

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1st Annual Electricity Camp
to Jun 18

1st Annual Electricity Camp

  • Kananaskis Village, AB Canada (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Electricity Camp in the Rockies brings together leading electricity scholars with policy makers and practitioners to present frontier research and discuss topics that are critical to today’s electricity system needs. For attendance inquiries, please contact blake.shaffer@ucalgary.ca

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NZERI hosts a speaker series and topical roundtables. The events offer practitioners and the public the opportunity to hear about latest research from university researchers and to discuss pressing electricity topics.

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