Working Papers

  • Electricity Market Design with Increasing Renewable Generation: Lessons From Alberta

    In this paper, we consider the case of Alberta which has observed considerable growth in wind and solar generation capacity. We summarize the attributes of Alberta’s energy-only market design and how it interacts with increasing renewable output. 

    David Brown, Derek Olmstead, and Blake Shaffer

    August 2024

  • Electric Vehicles and the Energy Transition: Unintended Consequences of a Common Retail Rate Design

    Field experiment to compare time-of-use incentives (uncoordinated) to managed charging (coordinated) in terms of impact on local distribution grid.

    Megan Bailey, David Brown, Erica Myers, Blake Shaffer, Frank Wolak, Mallika Sharma, and Ali Niazi

    Partner: Fortis Alberta

    August 2024

  • Show me the Money! Incentives and Nudges to Shift Electric Vehicle Charge Timing

    Field experiment to test willingness of EV owners to shift charging to off-peak. Compares an education “nudge” to a discounted off-peak rate.

    Megan Bailey, David Brown, Blake Shaffer, Frank Wolak, and Mallika Sharma

    August 2023

  • Centralized vs Decentralized Demand Response: Evidence from a Field Experiment

    We use a field experiment to examine how technology and default responsiveness can overcome behavioural barriers to demand response

    Megan Bailey, David Brown, Blake Shaffer, Frank Wolak, and Mallika Sharma

    January 2023